Louvre Exhibition ends and the tourism begins

Well, that’s not totally true as I’ve been taking in the sites each day. And now that the exhibition is over, I’m on holiday and Lisa and I decide to go back to the Old Jewish Quarter to see the district when it’s not Shabbot. We got there hungry and that was possibly a mistake as everything looked so good we went into the restaurant I photoed the other day with the hummous take out. Well they have a seating area and it was also like a wine cellar. There was even a spiral stairway up to a seating area on the next level. Just watching people go up this very tight spiral upwards was interesting as they stayed up there for a minute and then spiralled down again. The food was quickly served and we were quickly done with the plate of foods, when we had some cheese cake and went out the door only to find an incredible Jewish Bakery.

We had to walk a few blocks before we were ready for coffee and another cake. What an interesting bakery as everyone looked like they were Jewish. Well I don’t mean to stereotype, but the black hats and the dark black coats, were part of the give away, and the women all looked like my relatives. I felt right at home, and the food looked great and the coffee and cakes were wonderful. As I paid the bill, I noticed two posters advertising a gallery showing of art about Obama and a film festival about Cristal Nacht. See the photo and open it to read what I have to say about this image.

So what else to do but to  look in all the shops and find something for our holiday gift giving. I encouraged Lisa to pick out a warm coat as we entered an outlet store (Eva Tralala is the designer label and Nina Jacob the store name: 23, rue des Francs Bourgeois) for wool clothing. When she found the right one, I asked the woman salesperson if they had anything that I would fit into and sure enough I found myself wrapped in a wonderful coat. We left the store knowing that our Christmas gifts to each other were handled. So now that we are done, all that is left to do is to pack our bags, clean our apartment, and head out to the airport in the morning. Well there is this blog to finish as well.

So the next blog will be from Berlin, not sure if it will be tomorrow or the next days. Thanks for your interest. I love sharing all of our trip with my extended community of supporters. Your support has helped us get here to Paris and I hope that we have given you a good view into the experience of the Louvre exhibition and beyond. Our best to you for the holiday season. Brian and Lisa

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